Thursday, September 18, 2008

So What Do You Do For Fun???

Last week I dropped some things off at a friend's office and we had a chance to catch up. She was checking in on me, asking me how various parts of my life (work, family, etc.) were going. Then she blindsided me with this one, "

So what are you doing for fun these days?"
Wow, I didn't see that coming.

My answer? "Nothing."

Don't get me wrong. I'm fairly busy and incredibly happy. My job is rewarding. I LOVE spending time with my family. I've got some good friends and dig my church community. I enjoy a lot of things that I do. But I don't do anything simply because I enjoy it. That's not a complaint. Just the truth.

Case in point: I went bowling Saturday night. Had a blast. Hung with some really cool guys from our church. Even bowled a 145. But I didn't go just because I wanted to. It was a work thing. And a church thing. And a friend thing.

Here's another: I'm back in the gym. Nothing major. Just a little weight lifting and cardio. Am I going because I enjoy it? Heck no. I want to lose weight. Be healthy. Feel better about myself. Catch my wife's eye when I walk around naked. (OK- you probably didn't need that last image.) Bottom line, I don't mind working out. But I certainly don't do it for fun.

The crazy thing is that my friend's question came at the perfect time. A couple of days later our teaching conversation at church focused on the idea that God trusts each of us with life and time. We talked about our need to appreciate God's gift of the present (pun intended) by using our time wisely. I suggested that this meant more than being super productive. Appreciating our time means experiencing the entire rhythm of life with God: work, rest, relationships- and FUN. I know the right things to say, even if I don't do them all the time.

So now I've got to figure out what I would do simply because I enjoy it.

While I wrack my brain I'd love to hear from you: What are you doing for fun these days?


Mrs. Needham said...

Reading has always been my selfish escape, no one can read a book "with" you, or travel the story with you.

And you probably already know this but dining with my hubby is something I do for fun, it always leads to our best conversations.

Lisa Creech Bledsoe said...

Hey, I made your blog! Now I'll REALLY be famous!

Today for fun I boxed like a fiend and talked about pirates (

I love teh internets.

Lance Bledsoe said...

I think there are things you do for fun:

1. Watching TV (especially Ultimate Fighting)
2. Going out to eat.
3. Getting milkshakes from the Steak and Shake.
4. Going to see a movie.

Having kids generally means having a lot less time to just drop everything and do whatever you feel like doing, but that doesn't mean you never get do fun stuff. It just means you have to squeeze it in around all your parenting stuff.

Shane said...

1. Church - yeah, church with Fred and the gang really is fun! Sunday morning is usually the highlight of my week.

2. Garden - love to be in mine, work in mine and visit others

3. Travel - anywhere, anytime

4. Watch movies with the family in our home with the kids all snuggled up next to me.

Anonymous said...

crafting: although this time of year it's a pressure/stressor thing trying to get things done for Christmas (yes already, gotta start now).

reading: brain candy, completely selfish, no thinking required

goin' out: JD would like to hear me say that I do it for him or for Aftershock, but truth be told I do it for me. I get to hang with my girlios, dance and hoot & holler. :)

I agree w/ you 100% about the gym thing. It ain't "FUN".

Christian Stevenson said...

Sleeep!!!!! And just hanging with my wife. Nothing gets me jazzed up quite like just "being" with Cher and making each other laugh.

If you pin me down and make me pick an activity, I'd have to say traveling. Anywhere, for anything, business or pleasure. Sign me up, I'm ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about your post for weeks...well, since you posted because I also have realized I do lots of things I enjoy, but am also doing them for other reasons...I guess if you had to nail me about my "fun" things--patio times with friends, eating out, coffeeshops on a Saturday morning for hours and just "being" with the people who get you the most...