Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Addy's First Day of Preschool (Sniff)...

Since she's just a year away from Kindergarten we thought Addy might need to get used to the classroom setting. So we set her up to do preschool twice a week.

Today was her first day.

She was excited.

Mom was a little teary- which is ENTIRELY understandable. This is the first time we've dropped her off with someone other than family or very close friends and then left for hours at a time.

Addy is in the "Fabulous Frogs" class- which given her love for all things green- fits her like a glove.

I'm sure we'll have more updates and stories from preschool in the future.

It's true, they grow up too fast.


Chad K Miller said...

That is really great Fred and Jenn! I can understand the tears. I know she will do great in preschool and the frogs to boot, WOW!