Friday, June 6, 2008

Hate Tests? Like Pictures?

My inbox gets it's fair share of uninvited forwards every week. Some I just delete. Most I skim, then delete. A few I actually appreciate. Recently, my mom sent me one that fell into that all too rare, latter category.

This particular fwd contained a link to a personality test. Now I've taken plenty of these things under the guise of "professional assessment" and "team building". However, this one was different and actually enjoyable for a few reasons:

  1. 1. I didn't have to take it. No one would be evaluating my results with my future up for grabs.
  2. 2. It is image driven- with pictures instead of words.
  3. 3. It has 15 choices per statement. Not two that I had to agonize between.
I thought that my results were pretty accurate. Here they are.

What do you think? Sound like the Fred you know?

How about you? TAKE THE TEST and let us know how you fare. (The personality test should appear at the top of the screen. If not, look in the right hand column.)


Chad K Miller said...

It was a pretty fun personality test. It captured a few things about me...

1. Freedom to me is knowledge.
2. I respect art that stands the test of time.

A few other things, but a really great way to find out more about people. Although sex seems like a funny one, as it is in there twice. Don't most people like sex, seems a little obvious, and not really indicative of personalities.


Anonymous said...

My impression is the results are fairly accurate. My summary is that I am a dreamer. This is consistent with the your unique design profile of me. Actually I am a persistent dreamer.

Anonymous said...

I got this:

Family time is top of the pops for you. You want to savor every precious moment. Life doesn't get any better. For kicks, nothing beats being out in the open.
You are fascinated by the world around you and love to immerse yourself in nature. When it comes to holidays, relaxing and spending time with friends and family is
what it is all about. You like long lazy sunny days and the feeling of coming back home completely

totally accurate

Cool test!!