Friday, February 22, 2008

When Conformity Is Rebellion

Yesterday we turned in a vehicle that we've been leasing for the past three years. Start to finish it was a great experience. In fact, we all got a bit teary as we said goodbye to the car that had carried our family safely so many times.

Knowing that our turn in deadline was approaching, we went out and got a replacement vehicle last week. Here's a pic:

Yes, we got a van. A Honda Odyssey to be exact.
The first two friends I mentioned this to gave me same reaction:

"Oh you finally caved and got a van, huh? Welcome to soccer-mom-world."

Honestly, there was a touch of either condescension or pity in their tone of voice. I was a bit irritated.

Then it hit me- they think we're conforming. I think we're rebelling.

When we leased our last vehicle, vans were the norm for young families. My wife chose an SUV then precisely because she didn't want to live the stereotype. (And because someone with one small child doesn't really need a van.)

Based solely on my own keen powers of observation, I'd say the tides have turned. Most young moms bemoan the van and choose.....the SUV. Ergo...the SUV is now the new soccer mom vehicle. For what it is worth, I think Honda's research may agree with this. The theme of the Odyssey's brochure is "The Van Is Back". They know that vans are no longer the go-to family vehicle.

Which leads me to how much I love my wife. This go round she once again had the choice of a van or suv. Why did she choose the van? Because it was more practical for her with 2 young kids, and we want to be able to haul our friends and family around with us without rearranging our car seats every time.

The SUV was the "I'm better than that other thing (van)" statement in some folk's minds. Jen chose what worked for her- even though many of her peers are making the opposite choice.

Sounds like rebellion to me.

In a van of all places.

Who knew?


Patrick said...

I'll say whatever you want me to say about your van. Just don't punch me in the mouth.

I will point out, however, that if you really wanted to rebel you would have purchased a rickshaw. Noooobody's got one of those.

Anonymous said...

No way, Patrick. A barouche would be MUCH classier. Jen would deserve no less.

Jeremy Davis said...

I'll still point and laugh despite your attempts to justify it. :)

Jeremy I-Must-Be-A-Conformist-Because-I-Drive-An-SUV Davis

Fred said...

That's right Patch- fear me!

JD- you can never be pegged as a conformist for a couple of reasons:

1. You're from Seattle. We count on the left coast to be free thinking and free spirited.

2. You're a drummer. Drummers, by nature, are their own people. This is a very good thing.

All- to the me the point of this post isn't to label anyone- including me or my family.

Rather, I'm amused at how quickly rebellion and conformity are redefined. 3 years ago, the van was the mainstream choice for US families. Today, the SUV (originally the alternative choice) is.

~d said...

This is the hardest decision for me to make--another reason why I am keep pushing the car purchase off another year.

I only have the one I can't justify the minivan when it comes to the environment, the gas prices, and all that goes with it.

But the thing is.....

I really **WANT** a Honda Odyssey. Every time I climb in and out of one I drool drool drool. I think they are so cool.

They are perfect for the person who always wants to be prepared.

I think Jen is cool!!!!

Dana =)