Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tricks of the Parenting Trade...

Those of you who know us well, know that our family eats out a bit. Quite a bit might be more accurate.

Lately, Colston (7 mos.) seems to have outgrown his infant carrier. Not only is he technically too long for it, but he won't sit in it for the length of any meal.

So, last night we entered a new phase in Colston's life- the use of restaurant high chairs. What made this potentially awkward was that we had no food to feed him at the time, and that he throws every toy you hand him on the floor after exactly 5.3 seconds.

But Colston's time in the high chair last night went off without a hitch, thanks to a simple dining implement.

The soup spoon. He mouthed that thing for a good 20 minutes and the rest of the family supped in relative peace.

Rookie parents might not have gone for the soup spoon. But 3+ years on the parenting gig has taught us a thing or two.

Like soup spoons will pacify 7 month olds. And steak knives don't work nearly as well.


Anonymous said...

Oh have it down. Love the part about 5.3 seconds. So true!

Janet said...

Excellent job thinking outside the box!

Mrs. Needham said...

It's amazing what you do the second time around, it's like you mentally keep a check list of all previous failed attempts...

sugar packets...will suck on them and get a sugar high

straw...somehow will get whole thing in mouth

salt shaker...will throw at your head