Sunday, October 26, 2008

Church & Money

Today our faith community gathered around the idea that God is trusting us with the money that we have. As the teacher it was my job to lead our folks in a conversation on this important, but sometimes uncomfortable topic.

Not that I need ideas since the teaching is done, but I'd love to know how you feel about your experiences with churches and money.

Where have you seen churches get it right?

Where have you seen them blow it?

Do faith communities discuss this topic too much? Too little?

What do you want/need to hear/learn about money?


Josh Gibbs said...

When I was growing up, I remember how much pressure there was to put money in the offering plate, no matter how old you were. I remember looking around and seeing all the parents handing the kids money to put in the plate. I can see this from two sides. One is that the adults were perhaps trying to instill the spirit of giving in the children. The other is perhaps more of a negative connotation. Forcing the kids to give and making it seem like a mandatory task. This, I believe, probably removes some of that "joy of giving" we are supposed to have when offering.

I was very happy to hear the message that tithing was something of the old testament. I suppose I knew that, but sometimes forget that the laws of the old testament don't necessarily carry over today.

Fred said...

Thanks for sharing your perspective Josh.

I hear you about the tenuous line between joy and obligation. Guess that's true about almost any part of our lives with God. Sometimes I'm dialed in and want to pray, serve, read the scripture, obey, etc. Other times I'm tired, tempted or just selfish and the discipline of those practices keeps me on track even though I'm not really feeling it.

Let's just hope the joy outweighs the obligation.

Anonymous said...

Brenda and I often struggle to be on the same page with giving back to our Lord. We do always have the same priority as to where the money should go. It is easier to give when you know and understand who will be helped with the money given. We always work out a compromise. For sure we have always been blessed when we give it back.

I have not read your latest teaching on money so I will do that before commenting further.

Thanks for bringing this up.

Brian Brunke said...

We are about to preach a message on money this week and as a new church plant we have not shyed away from taking about money. We believe that since so many are uninformed about how to properly handle their money, that the church can be a help to people is this area.